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A year ago on February 27th, 2020, we were all nervously waiting inside Our Bar ATL for the moment we opened to the public for the first time. Looking back on that day, we were surrounded by great people, filled with hope and optimism for the future, and proud of all we've accomplished to get to that point. 12 months of pandemic craziness later, not much has changed.


We're a year older, not that much wiser, and a hell of a lot stronger. With the odds overwhelmingly against us, we didn't just survive but thrived in the warmth of an ever-expanding tribe. Thank you to those who kept the lights on at the bar and the dream alive in our hearts. To commemorate this past year of loss and many sacrifices, triumphs and small wins, and the memories of all our times together thus far, we created this yearbook to memorialize the bar's favorite people: our very own.

Our Yearbook (2020-2021)

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